Supporting Survivors of Sexual Abuse Conference 2023 - Innovative and Emerging Pathways to Healing

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Abuse Conference 2023 - Innovative and Emerging Pathways to Healing

"Innovative and Emerging Pathways to Healing"

At Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Lawyers we employ a survivor-centered approach, recognizing the unique needs and challenges faced by survivors. We work hard each day to strive to create a safe and supportive environment where survivors can share their stories and seek guidance without judgment. We are honoured to be hosting our 2nd Annual complimentary Supporting Survivors Conference: Innovative and Emerging Pathways to Healing.

This event is dedicated to empowering survivors, raising awareness, and fostering a community of compassion and understanding. This transformative conference brings together survivors, advocates, experts, and allies from various fields to share knowledge, resources, and support. It is just another way for us to help make the voices of survivors heard and find ways to further support them on their journey forward. By engaging with survivors, community organizations, and other stakeholders, Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Lawyers actively works towards creating a society where survivors are heard, supported, and empowered.

Our presenters will take the stage to share their stories of resilience, strength, and transformation. They will speak to their collective experiences and expertise and help attendees to learn more about topics such as being trauma informed, restorative justice, intergenerational trauma, pathways to healing, and the roles of community partners in supporting survivors on their journey of healing, and much more. We invite you to be inspired.

Attendees will gain knowledge and understanding through engaging discussions and impactful sessions focused on raising awareness, challenging societal norms, and advocating for change.

Conference Details:

Date: November 29, 2023

Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Location: Hybrid

  • In-Person: Atrium on Bay, 595 Bay Street, 11th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5G 2C2 - Sky Conference Room
  • Virtual: A link will be provided

Cost: Complimentary

Please note that registration closes on November 27, 2023.

Target Audience.

Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Innovative and Emerging Pathways to Healing aims to support survivors, and family members and educates lawyers, health care practitioners, community support workers, and others who wish to learn more. Our goal is to help others understand how to best support survivors of sexual abuse by exploring resources, supports, and interventions available for the survivor to move forward in their healing journey. We hope the information made available during this conference will help healthcare and legal professionals to understand how to help some of their clients more effectively.

Conference Highlights:

  • Hear from specialized professionals in the field
  • Engage in targeting learnings - including a keynote presentation from Marlee Liss
  • Hybrid Conference
  • CPD Accredited
  • FREE Conference
  • Networking Opportunity

Presentations Include:

  • Healing Through Connection: A Workshop on Community and Trauma, Mariyam Zaidi
  • Keynote, Marlee Liss
  • Courageous Conversations: Childhood Sexual Abuse - Prevalence and Our Collective Power - A Panel Discussion by The Gatehouse Team, Maria Barcelos, Stewart Thompson, Lisa Crooker
  • The Therapist as Expert Witness: Reports and Testimony, Ivanna Iwasykiw
  • What Is Trauma Informed Care, and Why Is It So Important?, Eden Dales
  • The Past and Present Roles of a Children's Aid Society in the Investigation, Assessment, and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse, Andy Koster
  • Decedent of Survivors, Jacinda Adams
  • Indigenous Children and Families, and the Canadian State, Dr. Raven Sinclair
  • A novel model that integrates the medical, behavioral and psychological strategies for managing trauma, Dr. Umesh Jain

Keynote Speaker.

This year's keynote speaker is Marlee Liss. Marlee is a somatic educator, award- winning speaker, author, restorative justice advocate and lesbian Jewish feminist. Marlee's work has been featured in Forbes, Huff Post, Buzzfeed, the Mel Robbins Show and more. Marlee will be presenting on: "Restorative Justice For Sexual Harm: Why I Fought For a Circle, Not a Courtroom."   

Content Warning: This session includes conversation around sexual violence. 

In 2019, Marlee's sexual assault case became the first in North America to conclude with restorative justice through the courts. She fought for the man who raped her to go to therapy instead of criminal trial and eventually, they met in an 8-hour restorative circle. After sharing with the media, her inbox began filling with thousands of messages from survivors sharing their stories and why they wish they had known about alternatives to the punitive system, like restorative justice.

Marlee takes a vulnerable and educational approach to talking about this alternative to the punitive system. The focus throughout the program is to inspire folks to create a vision of justice that is synonymous with healing through informative storytelling. In an environment rooted in hope and empowerment, listeners learn about this justice pathway that breaks cycles of harm and ignites cycles of healing.

Quiet Room.

For those attending in person, we understand that the conference may be overwhelming when discussing such traumatic and triggering subjects as sexual violence. We are always sensitive to your mental health, well-being and safety. A quiet room will be set up for those who need to step away from the conference.

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET

Atrium on Bay
Sky Conference Room
595 Bay Street, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON
Canada, M5G 2C2

