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Children's Aid and Foster Care Sexual Abuse Lawyers

If you have survived physical or sexual abuse in foster care, a group home, or even your own family home, your life has probably been affected in many ways. Almost everything about you may have suffered—your education, your relationships, and your career may have all been hurt by your past abuse.

Foster parents and care workers are figures of trust and authority, and when that trust is destroyed, you may feel helpless. Survivors of foster child abuse or familial sexual abuse often live their whole lives not understanding where the pain comes from; why they haven't accomplished much with their lives; why they keep turning to drugs or alcohol. Many people come to a realization, often well into adulthood, that the pain they've had their whole lives is rooted in sexual child abuse by parents, foster parents or care workers in the past.

Sometimes, exploring the possibility of taking action against the abuser(s) is an important part of the healing process. Whether or not you ultimately decide to sue the perpetrator(s) is your choice. We help give you the information you need to make the choice that's right for you.

If you were sexually abused by a foster parent, parent or care worker, you may have a claim against the person who assaulted you, or against other people who can be found responsible. Our sexual assault team in Toronto can help you.

We Can Help

If you were sexually abused by a foster parent, parent or care worker, you may have a claim against the person who assaulted you, or against other people who can be found responsible. Our sexual assault team can help you.

Our sexual abuse lawyers care about you as an individual and will always treat you as more than a just a case. We consider our clients to be like our family. In addition to our professional legal services, our lawyers and staff make a point to develop deep connections with you and your loved ones so that we can support you on your healing journey well beyond time spent on legal proceedings.

Sexual Abuse Lawyers



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Compassionate advocacy when you need it most. You are not alone.

At Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers, the initial meeting is free and without obligation on your part – and we never charge you legal fees until your claim is settled.

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