Four health care workers standing together

Risky Business - 2022


Gluckstein Lawyers is excited to host our fourth annual Medical Malpractice Conference, Risky Business, taking place using a hybrid model, on November 29, 2022, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, with a networking event starting at 4:00 PM.

The theme of this year’s conference is "Case Updates and Practical Tips."

Medical Negligence cases are challenging, complex and expensive to prosecute. Patients seeking damages against their medical care providers face more than the usual obstacles in a typical tort claim. Success in medical malpractice cases hinge on careful scrutiny of large volumes of records, often coming to thousands of pages, sorting through a tangled web of detail, and understand and analyzing difficult scientific concepts and theories. The lawyer needs to understand the medicine and develop a cogent theory of the case, both on standard of care and causation, before engaging with experts. This is the advocacy demanded of competent plaintiff’s counsel. Remember, the defence in medical malpractice cases will always be vigorous, with highly skilled and experience counsel on the other side.

Gluckstein Lawyer’s Risky Business conference aims to provide our attendees with tips and guidance on how to meet the challenges of medical malpractice litigation, thereby ensuring that you get your clients all they deserve.

We have assembled an impressive faculty to cover a broad range of important and practical topics. We are lucky to have Dr. Peter Rumney speaking about the needs of children with serious physical and cognitive limitations. Dr. Rumney’s talk will help us better understand our clients’ needs and help us do appropriate damages assessments. Dr. Barry Schifrin, from Los Angeles, will talk to us about a recurring problem in medical malpractice cases – junk science – and how to deal unreliable “science”. You will also hear about the difficult and often confusing law of causation, in the hope that we might bring some badly needed clarification to the subject. The Honourable Madam Justice Darla Wilson, will also address causation from a judicial perspective. You will hear about class actions, mass torts, medical device regulation and patient safety, and much more.

Finally, we will leave ample time for questions, with the opportunity to mingle with all attendees and presenters over a glass of wine following the conference.

Target Audience

Risky Business is a CPD-accredited Medical Malpractice Conference that aims to educate lawyers, law clerks, health care practitioners, and others who wish to understand the nuanced aspects of medical negligence claims.

Conference Highlights

  • Hear from top legal and medical experts in the field
  • Engage in targeting learnings
  • Gain practical tips and strategies
  • Network with your colleagues
  • Hybrid Conference
  • learn your way and accessible for all
  • CPD Accredited

Topics and Objectives

Presentations Include:

  • Current and Future Trends in Medical Malpractice - Charles Gluckstein
  • Causation: A Case Study – Richard Halpern & Jessica Golsky
  • Causation from a Judicial Perspective - Hon. Madam Justice Darla Wilson
  • Junk Science – Dr. Barry Schifrin
  • Tales for the Trenches: Two Medical Malpractice Trials in 2022 - Paul Cahill, Will Davidson LLP
  • Winning Your Case At Discovery - Richard Halpern
  • Products Liability: Medical Devices and Patient Safety – Brian Moher
  • When Medical Technology Fails: A Post-Mortem on Patient Safety - James Newland
  • Expert Medical Evidence in Support of Future Care Claims – Dr. Rumney
  • Building a credible case on damages – Monika Brunner & Roger Shoreman

Keynote Speaker

    As a bonus this year, our attendees will hear a lunchtime keynote address from Mike Shoreman, the “Unbalanced Paddleboarder” who will share his experiences overcoming adversity in the face of a devastating neurological disorder diagnosis and his quest to raise money and awareness for youth mental health supports by paddleboarding across the Great Lakes.

    Networking Event

    For those attending in person, we invite and encourage you to stay for the networking event from 4:00 PM onwards. Register today, and you can meet the presenters and mingle with your colleagues and friends.

    Breakfast: 8:30AM – 9:00AM

    Seminars: 9:00AM – 4:00PM

    Networking: 4:00PM

    This program has been CPD accredited by the Law Society of Ontario:

    This program contains 1 hour and 45 minutes of Professionalism content.

    This program contains 3 hours and 45 minutes of Substantive content.

