About Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Sexual Abuse Law Firm
Sexual abuse is perhaps the most personal of all personal injuries. It is not accidental; it is a deliberate act that is a violent attack on the autonomy, dignity, and security of another person. Survivors of this abuse often suffer in silence and may feel entirely alone as they process what happened to them.
Have you, or someone you care about, been sexually abused or sexually assaulted?
Reaching out for help and revealing details about what has occurred takes tremendous courage. When choosing a person or people to confide in, survivors look for someone who they can trust, someone who will not judge them or dismiss them, and someone who understands what it takes to support a survivor on their healing journey.
At Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Lawyers, we use our extensive experience and expertise in sexual abuse law to give a greater voice to sexual abuse survivors. Renowned for our compassionate client care and exceptional service, our office provides a supportive and safe environment for people who have suffered from sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, cyberbullying, and other forms of sexual trauma.
With our expert team of sexual abuse lawyers practicing exclusively in this area of personal injury law, our office is uniquely placed to represent people who have suffered serious physical or psychological injuries from sexual abuse.
We have represented clients in cases relating to:
- Childrens' Aid Societies
- Religious institutions (Catholic Church, Anglican Church, United Church, Pentecostal)
- Police Services
- Sport Organizations
- School boards
- Indian Residential Schools class action
- The Maple Leaf Gardens sexual abuse scandal
- And many other individuals and institutions.
There are no time limits that restrict when you can advance a criminal case or civil claim, even if the abuse occurred decades ago. As we explain your rights and options, we hope you will feel empowered and confident in making the right decision for yourself on how to proceed.
If you choose to pursue a civil claim for compensation through Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein, we only receive payment if we successfully obtain a settlement or court award for you.
Taking that first step to contact a law firm to discuss how you were hurt by sexual abuse can be challenging, and courageous. When that call is made to Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein, you can trust it will be received with all the compassion, professionalism, and respect that you need and deserve.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

At Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Lawyers, we recognize and respect the sensitivity of personal information.
Understandably, you may have concerns about your privacy. We can take steps to protect your privacy, even in court, by beginning your case with your initials instead of your name.
Taking that first step to contact a law firm to discuss how you were hurt by sexual abuse can be challenging, but when that call is made to Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein you can trust it will be received with all the compassion, professionalism and respect that you need and deserve.