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Military Sexual Abuse Lawyers

Sexual Abuse in the Military

Sexual abuse is a prevalent issue that has existed within the military for decades. It refers to any unwanted sexual contact or behavior, whether physical or verbal, that is directed towards an individual without their consent. This can include acts such as sexual harassment, assault, and rape.

Unfortunately, sexual abuse in the military often goes unreported due to fear

Underreporting of sexual abuse in the military is a significant issue which can be attributed to various factors. One primary reason is the fear of retaliation from peers or superiors, which may take the form of professional reprisal, social ostracism, or even threats to personal safety. In addition, victims often face institutional barriers when attempting to report, including a perceived lack of impartiality within military justice systems, and a culture of victim-blaming that can further compound feelings of guilt and shame. Moreover, the stigma surrounding sexual assault can lead to self-silencing, as victims may doubt the legitimacy of their experiences or fear that they will not be believed.

It is crucial that we continue to recognize and address the issue of military sexual assault. The negative impacts on survivors are far-reaching and can include PTSD, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts. By creating a safe and supportive environment for reporting and addressing incidents of sexual abuse, we can help prevent future occurrences and support those who have been affected. Additionally, it is important to promote a culture of respect and equality within the military, where all individuals are treated with dignity and any form of sexual abuse is not tolerated.  Sexual abuse in the military is a complex issue that requires ongoing attention and action to create lasting change. Together, we can work towards creating a safer and more equitable environment for those who serve our country.

We Can Help

If you were sexually abused while in the military, you may have a claim against the person who assaulted you, or against other people who can be found responsible. Beyond receiving financial compensation for what happened to you, legal actions can seek other remedies which may help you achieve a sense of closure, including official apologies, transformative institutional change, and disciplinary action against any professionals involved in the abuse.

Our sexual assault lawyers care about you as an individual and will always treat you as more than a just a case. We consider our clients to be like our family. In addition to our professional legal services, our lawyers and staff make a point to develop deep connections with you and your loved ones so that we can support you on your healing journey well beyond time spent on legal proceedings.

Sexual Abuse Lawyers



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