Five Gluckstein Lawyers Share Insights on Law School Admissions, Career Path, and AI's Impact In Interview With Juris Education

Juris Education Interview

Recently, five members of our Gluckstein Lawyers team participated in an interview with Juris Education. Simona Jellinek, Jordan Assaraf, Jan Marin, Emma Partridge, and Charles Gluckstein answered a series of questions regarding their law school journey and advice for aspiring legal professionals.

In Managing Partner Charles Gluckstein’s interview, he expresses that his motivation for becoming a lawyer "stemmed from a deep-seated desire to help people and make a tangible difference in their lives. From a young age, I was passionate about justice and fairness, and I found that the legal profession offered a unique platform to advocate for those who might not have a voice otherwise.”

As Gluckstein recalled his journey as a law student, he said "Understanding the business of running a law practice was something I wish I had better grasped before applying to law school. Many aspiring lawyers focus primarily on the legal aspects of the profession, such as mastering case law, developing litigation skills, and understanding legal ethics." Students looking for suitable work experience for law school should take note of this.

Since AI is making splashes in many industries, Gluckstein also talked about AI’s role in law. He thinks that “students are also harnessing the power of AI to enhance their applications. Many are using AI-driven tools for proofreading, ensuring their essays and personal statements are free from grammatical errors and stylistic inconsistencies. Additionally, AI can serve as a brainstorming partner, helping applicants generate unique and compelling ideas for their application essays.”

Juris Education launched this series of interviews with noted lawyers to help aspiring and current law students learn from the best. The team at Gluckstein Lawyers’ candid account of the sacrifices they’ve made to become successful in their area of law is an inspiration to aspiring lawyers.

Read our team's interviews with Juris Education here.

About Juris Education: Juris Education is a leading law school admissions consulting firm with a team of 120+ law school admissions experts and LSAT tutors. Juris has 15+ years of experience helping students get accepted to competitive law programs with a 94% success. Juris is committed to helping future legal professionals stand out from the crowd and get into their dream schools.


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