What is involved in filing a sexual assault lawsuit?

Apr 28, 2022, 15:31 PM
Title (Question) : What is involved in filing a sexual assault lawsuit?
SEO Title : What is involved in filing a sexual assault lawsuit? - Gluckstein Lawyers
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SortDate : Apr 28, 2022, 15:31 PM
For some survivors, choosing to sue is the right choice. Beginning a lawsuit is a big decision. The process can take a few years and you will have to tell your story several times to different people. You may also need to undergo various medical or psychological assessments.

A lawsuit can be a painful process, but it can also be a positive, healing experience. You may receive compensation to help as you move on with your life. Perhaps most importantly, a survivor can regain a sense of power and control in suing the perpetrator(s).

Choosing the right lawyer to help you is an important factor to consider. A lawyer with experience in the area of civil sexual abuse can help you understand the law, and consider all the factors individual to your case.
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  • Sexual Abuse
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  • Gluckstein main site
  • Sexual abuse microsite
  • Sixties Scoop microsite
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At Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Lawyers, we recognize and respect the sensitivity of personal information.

Understandably, you may have concerns about your privacy. We can take steps to protect your privacy, even in court, by beginning your case with your initials instead of your name.

Taking that first step to contact a law firm to discuss how you were hurt by sexual abuse can be challenging, but when that call is made to Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein you can trust it will be received with all the compassion, professionalism and respect that you need and deserve.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.