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or call 416-955-4800. We are here to help.
Male Sexual Abuse Lawyers
Boys can be sexually abused or assaulted, and so can adult men.
At Gluckstein Lawyers, we've represented many male victims of sexual abuse and assault. We know it's different for guys – often hard to talk about, and even harder to understand how it has affected your confidence, as well as many other areas of your life.
We can help you take back control and fight for deserved compensation.
Ontario announces help for male survivors of sexual abuse
A new network of sexual abuse centres in Ontario will offer sexual abuse support exclusively for men. While there are many support systems in place for women and children, there has never been such a coordinated approach for men.
Attorney General Chris Bentley announced the $2-million network on Tuesday. “Every victim of abuse should have somewhere to turn and to have support,” he said.
The network is the first in Canada. Current funding will extend over two years, but Bentley says the program is permanent. Ontario will be carved into four regions and each will have a lead agency that can set up counselling support for men and help male sexual assault victims access police or legal help.
If you are a survivor of sexual assault, we can help you find the support and the compensation you need.
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Understanding Your Legal Options as a Sexual Abuse Survivor
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Legal Options For Your Clients’ Healing Journeys: An Information Session for Service Providers Supporting Survivors of Abuse and Injury
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Podcasts & Videos.
Guides & Papers.
A Guide for Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors
Anyone can be sexually assaulted. Girls, boys, women and men can all be the victims of sexual predators. Often the very people you’re supposed to trust are the perpetrators of these horrible crim...Continue Reading
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Compassionate advocacy when you need it most. You are not alone.
At Jellinek Ellis Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers, the initial meeting is free and without obligation on your part – and we never charge you legal fees until your claim is settled.