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Medical Malpractice Lawyers

We trust medical practitioners with what is most precious to us: our health, our lives, and the health and lives of our loved ones. When a medical provider breaches the standard of care and causes injury or death due to negligence, that trust is broken.

In this event, if you believe you have been injured by medical malpractice, our team of Gluckstein medical malpractice lawyers can help. Our experienced, knowledgeable, and caring medical litigation lawyers have a solid record of assisting patients injured by medical malpractice as they seek compensation for the losses they have suffered.

We handle cases involving birth trauma, brain injury, spinal cord injury, or any other adverse medical outcome that leads to significant disability and/or financial losses.

With medical malpractice lawyers in Toronto, Ottawa, Niagara, Barrie, Collingwood and Midland, Gluckstein Lawyers are available to help you with your medical malpractice claim. 

How can our medical malpractice lawyers help you?

Providing full-circle client care in a difficult time.

After experiencing a life-altering injury from medical malpractice, you or your loved one may be feeling scared, angry, depressed and overwhelmed. As a law firm known for its years of experience and for its full-circle client-centred care, Gluckstein Lawyers can be counted on to treat you and your loved ones with the respect, kindness and empathetic understanding you deserve.

As you begin your journey of healing, trust Gluckstein Lawyers’ team of medical negligence lawyers to join you. We can help you get the compensation and damages you are owed for your pain, suffering and losses. Nothing can ever replace all that a personal medical injury takes from you; but receiving an award for damages can change your life for the better. When we can negotiate a settlement or win a court-ordered award for you, it can help bring closure to one tumultuous chapter of your life and give you what you need to ensure there are brighter times ahead.

Loss caused by a negligent breach of the standard of care.

Doctors, nurses, technicians and other medical providers are professionals who are required to have a certain level of training and skill to perform their duties. They are held to high standards, but not to perfection. Mistakes or adverse events can happen even if reasonable precautions and care are taken. 

For a claim to be successful, you must establish both that there was a breach of a standard of care and that the breach caused your damages. It sounds simple, but it is definitely not.

Pursuing your medical malpractice claim.

Medical malpractice claims are often complex and can be challenging to pursue. The people who have made the error are also most often responsible for creating documentation that would help you prove there was an error. For example, if you were under anaesthesia during a surgical procedure, you would not be witness to any surgical errors; you will only become aware that something went wrong later. Piecing together what may have happened can be difficult when the people who made the mistake have an interest in not drawing attention to the matter. 

By choosing experienced malpractice litigation lawyers with a proven track record as your advocate, you can have confidence your file will be in skillful hands. As a firm that focuses on these matters, Gluckstein Lawyers has built an extensive network of independent medical experts that can be critical to building a successful case. 

In many circumstances, medical malpractice cases need to be started quickly. There is a two-year limitation period for suing a medical practitioner or hospital. That limitation period begins from the date you knew or ought to have known of facts giving rise to a claim. For medical negligence that results in death, the two-year limitation period runs from the date of death. The limitation period may be longer for people under disability and children under 18 years of age.

As soon as you suspect that substandard medical treatment may be the cause of your injury or poor health, you should contact a medical malpractice lawyer near you with experience in medical negligence to begin discussions about how to proceed and if, and when, you should file notice of a claim.

Experienced representation for medical malpractice claims.

Since 1962, our firm has represented thousands of injured people, advocating for their interests, assisting with access to needed therapies, and obtaining the compensation they deserve. Led by a lawyer with more than 30 years of medical malpractice case experience, our medical malpractice team handles claims dealing with:

  • Birth trauma (brachial plexus injuries, paralysis, Cerebral Palsy, Erb’s palsy, meconium aspiration syndrome, Horner’s syndrome, hypoxia, seizures, shoulder dystocia, neonatal sepsis, maternal infections).
  • Hospital and medical administration errors (unsafe or unclean environments, malfunctioning diagnostic tools, inaccurate record-keeping).
  • Surgical errors (surgery on the wrong body part, wrong patient, anaesthesia errors, foreign objects left in patient, nerve damage, perforation or laceration during surgery).
  • Nursing errors (medication errors - wrong medication, wrong dose, wrong patient, wrong time to administer, wrong route for medicine; injuries from moving patients too quickly; documentation errors; failure to monitor a patient or respond in a timely manner).
  • Chiropractic errors (over aggressive manipulation, disc herniation, spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, paralysis, bone fractures, stroke).
  • Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis (wrongly diagnosing a condition based on negligence or unreasonably delayed diagnosis that causes harm or leads to a worsening condition).
  • Lack of informed consent (failure to properly warn of adverse side effects or of risks involved with treatment).
  • Midwife negligence (birth injuries, failure to call for medical assistance during difficult or abnormal births).

The Gluckstein medical malpractice team not only includes lawyers with the right skillset for these challenging cases, but also former medical practitioners and staff who bring an intimate knowledge of the medical system.

Your medical malpractice case is in good hands.

With our extensive trial experience, excellent negotiating skills, and thorough knowledge of the medical practitioner insurance claims process, the Gluckstein medical malpractice team is ready to develop and manage your case every step of the way.

Our goal is to give you confidence and peace of mind as your case moves through the system so that you can focus on what’s important to you: recovery, rehabilitation, and rebuilding your life after a tragic injury.

Gluckstein Lawyers medical malpractice team combines excellence in legal representation and advocacy with the empathy and compassion you deserve during this difficult time in your life. Begin your journey to a more promising future by contacting us today.

Contact us. Your initial consultation is free with no obligation.

But what if you are unsure that your injuries were the result of medical malpractice? When you contact our medical malpractice lawyers for an initial consultation, we will explain your various options. 

Your initial consultation with us is free and there is no obligation to continue. If you decide to pursue a claim through our medical malpractice lawyers, we will compile the pertinent details of your case, request the appropriate medical files, and begin a preliminary investigation. If we discover that your claim has merit and are reasonably sure that we can assist you in negotiating a fair settlement or winning a judgment at trial, we will agree to represent you based on a contingency fee agreement. 

That means that we don’t get paid unless you get paid by way of a settlement or court award.

Personal Injury Lawyers



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