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Toronto Birth Injury Lawyers

Bringing new life into the world should be a joyous occasion; however, discovering that your infant has suffered a birth injury can be quite traumatic. The consequences of a birth injury can be life-threatening and potentially cause permanent disabilities. They may also lead to medical expenses that would not otherwise be required if the injury was due to medical negligence.

Following a birth injury, parents naturally seek an understanding of its cause, often questioning if it could have been prevented. However, it can be challenging to uncover the answers without the help of a professional. An experienced Toronto Birth Injury Lawyer can offer invaluable guidance, providing clarity and support during this devastating time. With significant experience handling birth injury cases, our personal injury lawyers in Toronto can assist you with your birth injury claim.

What Are Birth Injuries?

A birth injury involves any harm inflicted upon the infant before, during, or immediately after the labour and delivery process. Such injuries may stem from complications during pregnancy and labour, but they may also be attributed to medical negligence. Common causes of birth injuries include delayed caesarean sections, breached delivery, and fetal distress.

Types of Birth Injuries.

Many birth injuries result in brain damage, which is caused by the disruption of blood flow to the infant's brain. In severe cases, this may lead to Cerebral Palsy - a permanent brain injury typically accompanied by severe motor dysfunction, cognitive impairment, and developmental delays. Cerebral Palsy will significantly impact the infant's life, often requiring ongoing care, therapy, and, in some cases, surgical interventions.

Other types of birth injuries include brachial plexus injury, Erb's palsy, fetal and neonatal stroke, seizures, hypoglycemic injury, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).

What Is Birth Trauma?

The term "birth trauma" is often used interchangeably with "birth injuries"; however, birth trauma focuses specifically on the physical or emotional distress sustained at birth. One of the main causes of physical trauma during birth is the incorrect use of medical tools, such as forceps and vacuum extractors.

Types of Birth Trauma:

Common birth traumas include bruising, facial injuries, and fractures. Other forms of physical trauma can also occur, particularly due to shoulder dystocia, leading to nerve injuries in the neck, shoulder, and arm.

Physical trauma from forceps and vacuum extractors is typically due to medical negligence. These instruments will always exert some form of pressure on the infant; however, when used with precision and care, injury to the infant can be avoided.

How Can a Toronto Birth Injury Lawyer Help?

If your infant has suffered a birth injury that could have been prevented, a Toronto birth trauma lawyer can help. With expertise in birth injury law, Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers can help determine if you are eligible to file a birth trauma medical malpractice claim and will provide reliable support during every step of the legal process.

Once we have conducted a comprehensive review of the applicable medical records and have determined that the birth injury could have been prevented, we will move forward with your case by consulting with highly qualified, respected medical experts. These professionals will be able to demonstrate that there was a breach of the standard of care, meaning that the health care provided failed to meet reasonable expectations, and will prove that this negligence resulted in your infant's birth injury. With this evidence, our personal injury lawyers will construct a robust case for your birth injury claim, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for your infant's injury.

Contact a Toronto Birth Injury Lawyer Today.

Our Toronto personal injury lawyers are dedicated to helping families impacted by birth trauma. We combine fierce advocacy with the compassion required during this difficult time to ensure that you and your family receive exceptional legal representation. With extensive experience in birth injury cases, you can trust that our team will tirelessly pursue justice and compensation on your behalf, guiding you through the entire legal process.

Contact our Toronto personal injury lawyers at Gluckstein Lawyers today. There is no charge for your initial consultation.

Birth Injury Lawyers.



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