Duration: 23:0

Tales from the Trenches: Two Medical Malpractice Trials in 2022 with Paul Cahill

Gluckstein Lawyers' 4th Annual Risky Business Conference: Case Updates and Practical Tips took place using a hybrid model, on November 29, 2022, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our Risky Business conference aims to educate lawyers, law clerks, health care practitioners, and others who wish to understand the nuanced aspects of medical negligence claims. The conference provides tips and guidance on meeting the challenges of medical malpractice litigation, ensuring clients get all they deserve.

Paul Cahill discusses Knight v. Lawson: Ureteric Injury Secondary to LAVH – Operative and Post-Operative Issues and Jezerinac v. Chakravertty: Alleged substandard lower extremity orthopedic care – jury trial. Cahill discusses the medical and legal issues in each case and the challenges faced in both.

This presentation contains 15 minutes of CPD Accredited Professionalism content.
