Achieving Work-Life Balance

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Charles Gluckstein, a Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer, with a tremendous reputation, believes in work-life balance.

More and more individuals today are experiencing burn-out, compassion fatigue and exhaustion from a lack of balance in their lives. Today's society is an overwhelmingly busy society and from the looks of it, it isn't going to slow down any time soon. We may be the society that enjoys wireless Internet and Smart-phones, but that just makes us too available!

Too often, we forget the simple power of taking a deep breath, a short meditation, a yoga session or exercise. Charles Gluckstein wants to know, when you're home, are you really home? Is your mind still at work?

Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers has a solution for you: Attend our Power of Mindfulness Compassion Fatigue Seminar on October 21, 2011 and find out about stress relief techniques, how to overcome trauma and learn valuable lessons from Dr. Ana Bodner, a registered psychologist and meditation teacher who will teach you to stay in the present.



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