An Inspirational Story About Brain Injury Awareness

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The Toronto Sun posted an inspirational and moving article on Monday July, 11, 2011 about a man who decided to jog across Canada, a cross-country Run to Remember that began on April 1, 2011 in St. John's, Newfoundland. The run is set to finish in October 2011 in Victoria, British Columbia. Now, that in itself is quite a mission, but it is his purpose that is special and motivating.

"I'm just a guy with a brain injury... but I can run, and I have a story to tell."

David McGuire, of British Columbia, 38, a brain injury survivor, frustrated with Ontario's Health Care System made the decision to embark on this long journey, in the name of brain injury prevention. He has partnered with Brain Trust Canada. Brain Trust Canada states that 94% of brain injuries are preventable.

"When I ran I felt like I could do anything. I had hopes and dreams again. I had confidence and courage. I was a survivor."

McGuire suffered, and survived a massive stroke in 2005 when his brain began bleeding. He fell into a week-long coma. Doctors told him he would never be able to walk or talk again. He spent a year recovering with the help of a neurologist, speech pathologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, occupational therapist and social service worker. Now his focus is on living life, as he says in his YouTube video.

He focuses on living his life by running, biking, travelling, writing, working, playing video games, participating in triathlons. He has since overcome many barriers such as permanent short term memory loss and aphasia. Aphasia is an impairment of language ability ranging from difficulty remembering words to being completely unable to speak, read or write. His therapy is running. In total, his journey across Canada will equate to a marathon a day for 8 months total! A Run to Remember is an event to bring focus and resources to brain injury in Canada. He documents his daily marathons in his blog. According to Brain Trust Canada:

  • Brain injury is the greatest killer of people under the age of 45;
  • Brain injury is the greatest killer of people under the age of 44;
  • Brain injury kills more children under the age of 20 than all other causes combined.
  • Brain injury is at epidemic proportions in Canada- 747 people are injured daily. 

To follow his journey on YouTube, follow this link to see his YouTube channel, where new videos are posted about his journey. Visit the official site at Brain Trust Canada- A Run to Remember Trust Canada- A Run to Remember. McGuire is expected to jog into Toronto around July 23, 2011. To read about his experiences, visit his blog. Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers is a proud sponsor of Brain Injury Societies across Ontario. We are proud to help raise brain injury awareness. We believe in injury prevention.


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