Gluckstein Lawyers Title Sponsor at Brain Injury Awareness Day

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Sig Pantazis - Sig Pantazis - Beament Hebert Nicholson - Brain Injury Awareness day

Gluckstein Lawyers is proud to have sponsored the eighth annual Ottawa and Eastern Ontario Brain Injury Awareness Day on June 15, 2016. We have been the title sponsors of this important event for several years now. As usual, the event featured a variety of educational, practical, inspirational and emotional presentations:

  • Herman Lukow spoke about enhancing recovery and post injury psychological wellness following brain injuries through enhanced resilience promoting interventions.
  • Carlos Gutierrez spoke about motivational interviewing and paying special attention to the language of change.
  • A patient panel discussed coping strategies and tools for dealing with persistent concussion symptoms.
  • MPP Lisa MacLeod, Gordon Stringer and Kathleen Stringer spoke about "Rowan's Law," the first Private Members' Bill to achieve unanimous agreement in Ontario's Legislature. This historic new law - the first of its kind in Canada - provides for basic concussion education and provides coaches and players with new tools to identify concussions so that families do not have to repeat the loss suffered by the Stringer family when their daughter Rowan died after suffering several concussions while playing rugby.
  • Ryan Pohle, the Keynote Speaker, provided an inspirational talk about his own journey through addiction, crime, brain injury, and recovery; a talk about choosing love and recovery and making the best of one's situation.

An incredible mix of professionals, practitioners, care providers and survivors of brain injury attend this event each year and it is truly great to learn more about brain injuries so that we can better understand what our clients are going through and what options may be available to them. Thank you to all who presented and attended to make this important event a success!


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