Charles Gluckstein to Present on Succeeding at Mediations and Arbitrations

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Charles Gluckstein, personal injury lawyer will be presenting about arbitration and hearing strategies on Wednesday April 13, 2011 as part of the program, Succeeding on Mediations and Arbitrations at the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO).

The program will be held at the Osgoode Professional Development Centre in downtown Toronto and will cover topics such as:

  • Strategic considerations: arbitrate or litigate?
  • Nuts and bolts of pre-hearings;
  • Experts and expert reports;
  • Researching key FSCO decisions.

Attendees will include personal injury lawyers, insurance adjusters, paralegals, mediators and arbitrators, insurance claims managers and insurance company lawyers. Charles Gluckstein will call on his expertise and focus on:

  • Evidence and witnesses- particularly, securing attendance;
  • How to handle surveillance evidence;
  • Expert witnesses: how many do you need? how many reports do you need?
  • The use of medical evidence to support or resist accident benefits claims;
  • Opening and closing submissions of lawyers during arbitration: what to keep in mind
  • Reopening the hearing;
  • Variations and appeals.

Charles commands a thorough knowledge of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, which governs accident benefits claims and provides trusted experience to his clients when it comes to all aspects of mediation and arbitration. In May of 2010, Charles was recognized by his peers in the annual Canadian Legal LEXPERT Directory as "one of the most repeatedly recommended lawyers" in the personal injury area of practice for Toronto, Ontario.


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