Higher Rates, Lower Benefits: Your Automotive Insurance in Ontario

Jessica McClay

Jessica McClay

As predicted around the water cooler in our office and on many plaintiff-focused personal injury law blogs across Ontario, the recent cuts to accident benefits have not resulted in decreases to auto insurance rates.

FindLaw reports[i] that FSCO has announced an increase in auto insurance rates, which came into effect at the end of June. The rates have increased on average by 0.33% for the quarter, with some companies increasing by 3%.

Any increase is galling when it is compared to the reductions in benefits for both catastrophically and non-catastrophically injured insured people. Paying more to get less does not seem like a fair bargain.

The lesson for individuals? If you have been injured, consulting the legal and no-fault benefits expertise of a personal injury law firm is wise. 

Professional advice can help to ensure that you get the treatments and support to which your no-fault insurance benefits entitle you.

[i] http://legalblogs.findlaw.ca/legal-life/ontario-drivers-paying-more-for-insurance-despite-governments-pledge-to-reduce-fees-870/


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