With news of playground injuries on the rise, parents can minimize the risk of injury and focus on enjoying family time spent outdoors. We've gathered a list of tips to keep your precious little ones safe as they're frolicking on the playground.
Start with safe clothing
- When you dress your child, tuck in stray pieces to avoid loose ends, drawstrings or other dangly garment accessories that can become tangled.
- Use clothing with clips, not cords.
- To avoid bicycle helmets becoming stuck in equipment, instruct your child to remove them before beginning to play.
- Look for playground surfaces made of synthetics, sand or other materials that are soft and can absorb the shock of a fall.
- Suboptimal playground surfaces contain material such as asphalt, concrete, grass, and dirt.
- If the playground has mulch, ensure that it is deep and loose.
- Before using equipment, check that your child is tall enough to reach it easily without dangerously overextending.
- Ensure your child knows how to use each piece of equipment.
- Remain near your child at all times.
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LINKS >> Increasing Incidents Reported For Traumatic Brain Injury On Playgrounds Source: www.caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/playground-safety
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