On a fateful day in February 1978, ski-team hopeful Scott Finlay's life changed instantly during a high-speed ski run. The tragic accident resulted in an acquired brain injury (ABI), leaving him almost completely paralyzed. Recently, the 61-year old Napanee resident experienced another life-altering event, but this time, an exciting, positive one -moving to his new home, The Finlay House.
The building project - a work of love
For almost 40 years since the accident, Scott's parents cared for him in the family's living room. But the couple, now in their mid-80s, are no longer able to shoulder the rigours of full-time caregiving.
According to Scott's father, Hugh, about 2,400 aging parents in Ontario faced a common fear and dilemma at the time: how to ensure continued care for their disabled adult children.
The Finlay House was Hugh's answer. For fifteen years, the dedicated father lobbied long and hard to have the supportive home built.
House and home for ABI patients
The Finlay House is now a converted wing inside a health complex, with medical facilities and care onsite and close at hand. Funding is split between the families and a local health network.
Hugh received over 100 applications - some from three hours away in Toronto - all hoping for a spot in the home. Scott and six other ABI patients now call The Finlay House their home.
Scott relishes the "terrific" staff, the meals and all the planned activities - including a trip to Thousand Islands and reliving his passion for racing, this time as a spectator at a drag racing event.
With mixed emotions, Scott's parents handed over care of their son to The Finlay House. They now visit their son twice a day.
Gluckstein Lawyers applauds the dedication of the many family and friends who provide loving care to those in need. The Finlay House is an excellent example of innovations and initiatives to ensure quality of life to the disabled community.
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Ontario Man's Cross-Country Drive Promoting Brain Injury Awareness: https://www.gluckstein.com/blog/2017/01/ontario-mans-cross-country-drive-to-promote-brain-injury-awareness
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